YIKES! Tournaments are so expensive

One of the things players like to discuss (complain about) is the rising cost of entering handball tournaments.  It could be costs are rising, like everything else, or it could be the tournament hosts are making a killing off tournaments or some of each. 

So…….Let’s take a look.  Two tournaments, the 2019 State Doubles/HOF and the 2019 State Singles both brought to us by the CHA and held at the Denver Athletic Club. 

** Expenses are estimated with a 10% contingency fee. Actual expenses will vary depending on total entrants.

Well…..YES!….Tournaments are expensive.  And….NO!….Tournament hosts are not making a killing off tournaments.  Experience shows that hosts are very reluctant to “raise” entry fees from the previous year. 

However, they need to at least break even. No one wants to lose money on these events.   

Another thought…..The major costs, with the exception of court rental, are Souvenirs, Trophies, Hospitality, and Beer.  Players expect these things, although the tournament could happen without them.  We want to make the tournament special to each player and for the CHA.  It’s more than a “handball tournament”.  It’s an event to be proud of. 

If you play in tournaments outside Colorado, you will find similar, if not higher entry fees, so it’s obviously a result of costs rising, just like almost everything else in our lives.  But, it’s still good value for a handball player. 

Bob Hickman 






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